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Friday, March 28, 2025

WATCH ยท Overview

Background Check Fees:

For further background check information click on the FAQ link above.

Important Introductory Information:

The Washington State Patrol Identification and Criminal History Section (WASIS) has established this web site as the official Internet source providing criminal history conviction records for the state of Washington only .

This database is comprised of records sent to WASIS by courts and criminal justice agencies throughout the state of Washington only. This database includes conviction information, arrests less than one year old with dispositions pending, and information regarding registered sex and kidnap offenders. The WSP criminal history file also contains additional information such as arrest records that is not open to the general public.

The Criminal Records Privacy Act specifies criminal history dissemination guidelines. Conviction data may be released without restriction. Non-conviction information is not available to the public. Legislation requires that information be kept about the person requesting the report, such as target of the search, the name of the person requesting the search, and date the search was conducted.

WASIS cannot guarantee the records you obtain through this site relate to the person on whom you are seeking information. Searches based on names, dates of birth, and other identifiers are not always accurate. The only way to positively link someone to a criminal record is through fingerprint verification.

The search will result in:

You will be required to pay $11 for each name searched regardless of the search outcome. Payment is accepted by debit/credit card or by billing a pre-established account.

You will be required to pay $10 for each notary request made. Payment is accepted by debit/credit card or by billing a pre-established account.

Registered non-profit organizations that have established an account are exempt from payment requirements when performing searches of convictions of crimes against children or vulnerable adults for prospective employee and volunteers.

To establish a billing account or a Non-Profit account click on Forms, then click WATCH Account Application Packet. Print the forms, fill them out and mail, e-mail or fax to the Section.

To Establish a New Credit Card Account please select 'Establish a New Credit Card Account' located in the box above and follow the step by step instructions.

Please send technical comments, questions and inquiries regarding this site to:
WATCH HELP ( or call (360) 534-2000 Option 2.
Please send questions and inquiries regarding criminal history to: CRIMINAL HISTORY INFORMATION ( .
To ensure a response, please include your name, daytime telephone number, e-mail address, and postal address.

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