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Saturday, February 8, 2025

WATCH Account ยท New Web User

Required fields are indicated by a *.
* #####-####:
* ###-###-####:
Your password must meet the following requirements:
  • Must be at least 10 characters and is case sensitive.
  • Must contain at least one English uppercase character (A-Z).
  • Must contain at least one English lowercase character (a-z).
  • Must contain at least one numeral (0-9).
  • Must contain at least one non-alphabetical character (such as @ # $ % ^ & + = !).
  • May not contain your username (email address) or any form of your name.
  • May not contain space.
Please read and acknowledge

You will be required to pay $11.00 for each name searched regardless of the search outcome. Payment is accepted by credit card. All results will be purged from your account after 60 days.

The search will result in:

  1. A candidate list of records that match or closely match the search criteria used.
  2. A NO EXACT MATCH FOUND response which means there is no conviction record in the WSP database that match the search criteria used.
  3. A possible DUPLICATE MATCH indicating there may be two or more exact name and date of birth matches for the search criteria used.
* I have read and understand the important information above